Art & Music


Providence Academy offers an exciting, hands-on art program for all grades. The goal is to grow student's creativity, their confidence, self-expression, and appreciation for God's beauty and creation in the world around us.  Students are encouraged to embrace their creative gifts to create their own unique art.

Units of study for students in JK through sixth grade include drawing, pen and ink, colored pencil, oil pastels, painting charcoal, ceramics, print making, sculpture and art history.

In seventh and eighth grades students have the choice of specialized art classes including watercolor, 3-D sculpture, and digital photography. Drawing electives are also offered each quarter to all Middle School students.


Providence Academy offers a variety of performing arts opportunities including multiple concert performances and extracurricular musical competitions. Students in grades JK through fourth grade attend weekly classes in music where students build performance technique through singing and playing instruments as they progress through each grade level. All students participate in a variety of performances throughout the year.

By the time students reach our Middle School, they are ready to apply their musical knowledge in either band or choir. Our instrumental program is taught by experienced clinicians who are recognized in their musical fields. The same is true of our choir program. Students have many varied opportunities to perform.

“Sing to the LORD, you saints of his; praise His holy name.” Psalm 30:4