Middle School
5th - 8th Grade
Middle School is not at all being stuck in the middle of anything! At Providence Academy, our Middle School students are our leaders. Our program prepares students for a rigorous high school education and provides High School level classes for those ready for the challenge. Specialists in their respective fields, the Middle School faculty are dedicated to working with students of this age and understanding students’ needs for learning and growing spiritually, academically, and socially. Small class sizes provide opportunities for personalized learning, choice, independence, and leadership. Students are taught using a hands-on approach to learning. Our goal is to support our students on their journey to becoming Visionary Thinkers, Servant Leaders, and Kingdom Builders.
5th Grade is an important year of transition into Middle School. Ours is a hybrid approach that provides the guidance and support needed to navigate the rhythms of Middle School. Students experience the community and activities of Middle School while still in a nurturing homeroom setting.
What can you expect in Middle School?
What can you expect in Middle School?
- A challenging classroom environment where students are known and loved
- A loving, warm Christian atmosphere
- LIFE groups – Living in Fellowship Every Day
- An advisory program that focuses on building community, student skills, and social skills
- A curriculum that uses best in class resources for Mathematics, Language Arts, Science, History, Bible, and Spanish
- A hybrid one-to-one Chromebook program
- A rich electives program focusing on STEM and the fine arts
- A fine arts program consisting of visual arts, band, choir, music theory, and musical performance
- Financial Literacy and Public Speaking courses for all Middle School students
- Competitive athletics available for all Middle School - along with scheduled Physical Education
- Research-based, best teaching practices
- Well-rounded, confident, responsible, capable young adults!
Our Program
Bible: As a core course in MIddle School students in sixth grade Genesis to Ruth, specifically Creation, the Fall, and the birth of God’s people through Abraham and follow the lineage all the way to the story of Ruth. As we study all these important events in God’s story, we also look at how we can find glimpses of Jesus through it all. In seventh grade students study Samuel, which leads to the study of why Israel wanted an earthly king, which then leads to the need for prophets. We investigate how God chose leaders to set apart His people, yet no one could bring ultimate salvation for His people. Ultimately, students are led to recognize the need for the Messiah. Finally, to conclude our students’ time at Providence Academy, we work through the Gospel of Mark, glimpsing at the other gospels along the way. Students study the miraculous work of Jesus Christ and closely study His life on earth along with the historical context, gaining a deeper understanding of why Jesus said and did all He did. After reading through the gospels, the beginning of the church is studied and how we fit into the narrative of the New Testament.
Math: Each year the goal is to deepen students’ understanding of God’s language of the natural world and its uses. Students are challenged to think critically, grow their computational fluency, build mathematical habits including understanding there is more than one way to solve a problem and finding efficient solutions. Math offerings include 5th and 6th grade math, Foundations for Algebra, Algebra 1 and Geometry. Statistics is taught at each grade level and each course. Students may receive up to two high school credits by their graduation from eighth grade.
Science: Our goal is for every student here at Providence Academy are to be able to think in a scientific mindset and understand the way the natural world around us works. We do this by teaching that science and the Bible do not contradict each other, but rather that God is the Creator and Perfect Designer of the world we live in. Fifth grade science is a survey course with key units in life science, engineering and design, physical science, and earth and space science. In sixth grade students spend the year deepening their knowledge of earth and space science, seventh grade focuses on life science and physical science is the core of eighth grade. Science is taught through hands-on experimentation using the scientific method to guide students’ critical thinking.
English: Our English program focuses on building a love of reading and writing through the use of high interest books to expand students’ views of the world. Integrating with topics taught in other subjects is a consistent hallmark of the program. Writing is done daily and can be free writing, journaling, expository writing, or more formal essays. Integrating a biblical worldview is paramount to what is taught. By eighth grade, literary analysis and thesis writing are introduced. Discussions, debates, and Socratic seminars are teaching methods that are employed. Grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure continue to be reinforced.
History: Each grade level in Middle School studies a different time period. Fifth grade studies the birth of civilization, exploring Mesopotamia,the fertile crescent and ancient middle east and the first empires of the world, along with world geography. Sixth grade picks up where the fifth grade study ends, focusing on medieval world history. Seventh grade begins the study of American history and eighth grade finishes with modern American history, civics, and government.
Physical Education: The lifelong importance of physical activity every day is stressed as students learn a variety of skills related to balance, agility, throwing, catching, dribbling, and running. Students experience how these basic building block skills are used in many different fun and engaging games. Students in grades 5 through 8 can choose to participate in after school athletics in the following sports: cross-country running, volleyball, basketball, and flag football
Spanish: The middle school Spanish curriculum focuses on complex grammar, in-depth vocabulary, conversational speaking, and writing skills. Spanish class often includes games, art, literature, multimedia, and other resources that immerse our students. All middle school students take the National Spanish Exam and graduating students are eligible to earn high school credits for both Spanish 1 and Spanish 2.
Art: The 5th and 6th Grade Art course aims to foster an emphasis on design and deepening skill. It aims to develop students' creativity, problem-solving skills, and understanding of the principles of design. Through engaging projects and activities, students explore concept development, composition, layout, elements, principles, and techniques. They learn to apply these concepts in various art forms and develop an appreciation for the role of art and design in culture and everyday life for visual impact. Seventh and eighth grades have the unique opportunity to choose one of three different art classes: watercolor, 3-D Sculpture, or digital photography.
Music: All middle school students are required to take either band or choir. Students new to an instrument take lessons as part of the school curriculum and all band students participate in a concert band that fits their experience and expertise. If a student chooses choir they will participate in mixed cohort ensembles. All students have the opportunity to perform at school functions including the Veterans Day Program, Winter Concert, Spring Concert, and outside musical competitions. Middle School students also have the opportunity to audition to participate in Worship Band and the Providence Singers, our competition choir.
“Sing to the LORD, you saints of his; praise his holy name.”Psalm 30:4