Providence Academy After School Activities
Providence Academy is excited to open registration for our Winter After School Activities for 2025! There are a number of options to keep your child engaged!
This program is eight weeks - starting the week of February 10th running through the week of March 31st, meeting once per week directly after school.
Please note that upon the registration of your student(s), Providence Academy will bill you via FACTS. You will also receive an invitation to Procare which is used to manage sign in and sign out of our activities.
Please do one registration per child.
Worship Cajon with T.J Maistros
Open to: 3rd - 6th Grade Students
Info: We will be learning the art of Worship Drumming by practicing on Cajon! The Cajon is a versatile percussion instrument that can make a number of varying sounds that help keep a Worship Band in time. All equipment needed for this program will be provided.
*Students need to bring a packed snack.
Cost: $315
Day of week: Tuesdays (February 11 - April 1)